Friday, May 8, 2009

Do you believe that the media portrays young black students in a positive light?

No, I feel they don’t because of all the bad things they say about us. It seems as all they do is talk about black people destroying thing, robbing, gang violence, and weapon use.
To me when they say all these negative comments, they say that the whole Detroit mi is corrupted with the perception of evil. That’s not true there are many brilliant minds in this city of Detroit. I think that they need to stick to the positive before something really does happen, and before they regret what they do to us. Blacks are smart don’t forget what we can do.

Who was your most influential teacher?

My most influential teacher is Mr. Fuller. Before you read this, it’s not because she’s my advisory mom. She’s a great mentor and respects all no matter what the situation is. Ms. Fuller to me, motivates, determinates, expires, ect. She has lots of personality and it sometimes rubs off on a lot of people. Ms. Fuller is like a second mom, she cooks for us, stands up for us, and even beat us when we need it. Ms. Fuller is a unique and proud person to be like, not that I want be like her but you know what I’m saying. I thank Ms. Fuller for all that she has done for me, and hope that one day I can return love she gave me.

Do you feel you have grown since the beginning of the year? What are some of the things that caused this to happen? What caused it to not happen?

Yes, I feel that I have grown since the beginning of the year. I’ve felt this way ever since I came to this school. PEC is a great help with life experiences and I believe that now I know things in a more understanding way. There’s nothing in this world I can’t experience. Before this year started I didn’t really keep track of my work and had a short attention/always lost focus on my main goal. But this year is different, I’ve come a long way from being the loud kid, to being the quiet kid who has the potential to do great things. This year I’m in high school and this is the year I’m going to live up to all of those expectations. This years experience is when I found out my potential is limitless.

Thank you all……