Thursday, March 4, 2010

Walter Hawkins

In my savage state the Negro was at liberty to eat what he liked and could get by his own activity, but as a slave we was forced to have "Johnny cakes" and black treacle, with rare variation. This cake was made out of corn-meal, salt, and water, and baked on a piece of barrel-head. At dinner-time old Jane Robinson would call her slaves and give each of them a piece and a little molasses, which she would pour into a large plate so as to make it look much more than it really was, of course there was no blessing asked on this meal. The necessary preliminary having been gone through, I would receive my allowance with all the humility of one who had received a knighthood from his Queen. times were difficult during the emancipation proclamation. the white all hated us and i almost died. that would have real bad if i couldn't taste freedom just for one second.

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